Innovative Solutions

Automated Fluid Management System

Fluid Logistics & Urine output Device for Equilibrium & Efficiency (FLUDEE)

Fludee In

A Wi-Fi enabled device which shows real time speed of fluid therapy and calculates input 24x7.

Fludee Out

A Wi-Fi enabled device which keeps the real time track of speed of urine output.

Fludee AI

Predictive solution to fluid therapy. Will identify patterns, and provide real-time insights for better decision-making to early detect & prevent fluid and electrolyte imbalance.

Years Of Experience
0 +
Who we are

A Team of Professionals, Passionate About New Technologies & Progress

We are a team of doctors and engineers committed to revolutionizing healthcare through innovative and affordable medical devices. Our flagship solution is an advanced system that precisely calculates individualized fluid requirements based on key patient parameters, including age, BMI, vitals, blood tests, and diagnosis. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and medical expertise, we aim to enhance clinical decision-making, improve patient outcomes, and optimize fluid management in healthcare settings.

For Free Quotes, Hire Us Now !

An Automated Fluid management System

Fluid Logistics & Urine output Device for Equilibrium & Efficiency

Professional Team

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Sudhanshu Sharma


Siddharth Sharma


Jimmy Wilson

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